Series 3: Regulatory statistics

Giusi Moffa

November 24, 2017

Figure from

Date Location Topic
January 11th 2018 CEB ICH E9 Addendum and Per-Protocol Analyses of Pragmatic Trials
February 8th 2018 Swiss TPH Estimands and Their Role in Clinical Trials
March 8th 2018 CEB A taxonomy of estimands for regulatory clinical trials with discontinuations
April 12th 2018 Swiss TPH Estimands in clinical trials broadening the perspective (possibly with comments)
May 17th 2018 CEB Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials: FDA Issues Draft Guidance (Parts I to III)
June 14th 2018 Swiss TPH Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials: FDA Issues Draft Guidance (Parts IV to V)


Following up on the 2nd EFSPI Workshop on Regulatory Statistics, on October 5-6th 2017 in Basel

Update of the ICH E9 to include the concept and semantics of estimands